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Infrared analyzers Sibagropribor of the new generation allow rapid analysis of any dry and ground products, milk and dairy products, meat products for the main normalized indicators.

Models: SibSCAN (for educational institutions), SibSCAN (dairy products), SibSCAN (meat products).

Infrared milk quality analyzer "InfraMilk" execution PROFI is the latest development in the field of milk quality control, is based on an infrared analysis method that provides the most accurate and objective results in the shortest time. The analyzer allows you to measure, without the use of chemical reagents, the content of the mass fraction of fat, protein, SOMO, density, added water, lactose, mineral salts, total protein, calorie content and freezing point in a milk sample in just 15 seconds.


All Sibagropribor products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Sibagropribor: milk quality and humidity analyzers, automated measuring complexes, systems for determining the mass fraction of nitrogen and protein, laboratory thermostats, reductazniki, sets of detergents, certified samples, ozolization units, moisture meters, distillers, scrubbers, infrared analyzers, flasks, cassettes technological assembly KSM
  • Cryoscopes Sibagropribor
    Thermoscan-Mini, etc.
  • Milk Quality Analyzers Sibagropribor
    Milk Quality Analyzers
    Lactane isp . 600 ULTRA , etc.
  • Determination of nitrogen and protein by the Kjeldahl method Sibagropribor
    Determination of nitrogen and protein by the Kjeldahl method
    the KELTRAN complex, etc .
  • Control milk samples Sibagropribor
    Control milk samples
    200 ml, 400 ml, etc.
  • Somatic Cell Analyzers Sibagropribor
    Somatic Cell Analyzers
    Somatos-Mini et al.
  • Humidity analyzers Sibagropribor
    Humidity analyzers
    Evlas-2M, Evlas-5, etc.
  • Devices for agrochemical services Sibagropribor
    Devices for agrochemical services
    cassettes assembled by KSM, etc.
  • Laboratory thermostats-reductazniki Sibagropribor
    Laboratory thermostats-reductazniki
    LTR-24, etc.
  • Infrared analyzers Sibagropribor
    Infrared analyzers
    SibSKAN et al.

About Sibagropribor

Sibagropribor (Novosibirsk) is a manufacturer of analytical instruments for quality control of agricultural raw materials and food products. In 1992, the transition to a market economy took place in Russia, and a new stage of development of the enterprise began, which already had 18 years of experience in the development and production of quality control devices for agricultural products. In 2007, Sibagropribor company undergoes a new stage of reorganization and continues its activities as a group of companies providing the entire cycle from development to production, sales and service. To date, the company has more than 30 years of experience.

    Our own research and design departments ensure the continuous improvement of Sibagropribor products.
  • quality

    Sibagropribor invests more than 20% of the annual turnover in R&D, which ensures high quality products.
  • popularity

    Analyzers manufactured by Sibagropribor successfully operate and are in demand in many countries of the world.

Information Board Sibagropribor

Learn more about our products Sibagropribor.
  • Thermoscan is a Mini - Russian analog of imported cryoscopes at an attractive price! brands Sibagropribor
    Thermoscan is a Mini - Russian analog of imported cryoscopes at an attractive price!
  • Price list on site Sibagropribor
    Price list Sibagropribor
  • Product catalog in the store Sibagropribor
    Product catalog Sibagropribor
  • Product questionnaire brands Sibagropribor
    Product questionnaire Sibagropribor


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